Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Common Room Emergency

So the students in my house are great. We even have a knitting night. Which is tonight. Unfortunately, a 1st year Ravenclaw got a little carried away and thought that she could fill her glass with a simple Aguamenti charm, but somehow the charm did more than she wished! The Ravenclaw Common room has been soaked with water! Drapes are dripping and cushions are soaked, however there is no water on the floor. Everyone has been running around trying to figure out what to do.

I'm not going to worry about it, since the water is a conjured item, it should dissapear within a few hours. But since several people seem to be uncomfortable, perhaps I should suggest a hot air charm would allow us to quickly dry our robes. I was reading ahead in the Standard Book of Spells by Miranda Goshawk. I know I saw something that would work.

Of course, conjuring spells are NEWT level. Even I wouldn't attempt Aguamenti. I don't know what that student was thinking.

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